DASE: Driftless Area Stock Exchange
No fishing last few days. A bit of thinking though as I approached home today after work and began to inventory the items that needed transport from my vehicle to the house. I had through the course of the day received these items from a couple folks:
(1) A giant jar of honey, raised and harvested in the Cannon River basin.
(2) One compass plant (made famous by Aldo Leopold in his story of the acute angle in the cemetery).
(3) Several golden alexanders - native prairie plants.
(4) A pair of pink squirrel earrings I'd given to someone - she brought them to me, requesting repairs to the tails (ha!).
(5) One copy of Grass Roots - a wonderful book I'd loaned.
(6) An empty jar that formerly held some of our grape jelly made last fall.
Not pictured are the bergamot plants I brought with me this morning and left with someone in swap fashion.
This reminded me of something Steve at Oak Center said in the prelude to the Greg Brown concert last month: [para-phrasing] Why do we judge our condition by the Dow Jones Industrial Average? What does it mean when the stock market falls? Can't we judge our state by looking around at the fields and considering how much rain we've got and how our gardens our doing? Isn't true wealth to be found in our relationships with friends and family?
Just a little, seemingly insignificant deal here, but on further look: maybe a microcosm of a stock exchange of sorts - the kind of exchange we ought to be having more often.
No fishing last few days. A bit of thinking though as I approached home today after work and began to inventory the items that needed transport from my vehicle to the house. I had through the course of the day received these items from a couple folks:
(1) A giant jar of honey, raised and harvested in the Cannon River basin.
(2) One compass plant (made famous by Aldo Leopold in his story of the acute angle in the cemetery).
(3) Several golden alexanders - native prairie plants.
(4) A pair of pink squirrel earrings I'd given to someone - she brought them to me, requesting repairs to the tails (ha!).
(5) One copy of Grass Roots - a wonderful book I'd loaned.
(6) An empty jar that formerly held some of our grape jelly made last fall.
Not pictured are the bergamot plants I brought with me this morning and left with someone in swap fashion.
This reminded me of something Steve at Oak Center said in the prelude to the Greg Brown concert last month: [para-phrasing] Why do we judge our condition by the Dow Jones Industrial Average? What does it mean when the stock market falls? Can't we judge our state by looking around at the fields and considering how much rain we've got and how our gardens our doing? Isn't true wealth to be found in our relationships with friends and family?
Just a little, seemingly insignificant deal here, but on further look: maybe a microcosm of a stock exchange of sorts - the kind of exchange we ought to be having more often.
Is the production of honey what it used to be in the area? I haven't seen a honey bee in years--there's that mystery thing supposedly killing them off.
Far as I know it is still good. This friend of mine has been turning out good honey for a number of years now. I recall reading about the disappearance of the bees... even a front page story in The Rake, I think.
Interesting that you have a dandilion in the picture with your honey, a major reason for the lack of bees is the lack of so called "weeds" like dandilions that have dissapeared in the last 50 years thanks to pesticieds and the thought that your yard needs to look like a golf course. These "weeds" provide a food source for the bees and without them we now have farmers who drive semi-trucks full of bees to feilds all over the country to pollenate plants that might dissapear if the bees do not do the imporant job of pollenation, this is a big issue. Rock the dandilion.
Agreed. The last thing I want to do with the hours of my life is worry about my yard. Garden: yes. Yard: no.
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