Car drop day with DF. Who is pictured here. Right before the heat came; feeling was that trout fishing was still a reasonable and safe undertaking, especially given we were going to bring home some trout meat. Also pictured here is the character of this season: the terrible July dogmeat thick veg crapfest. Fish are all still present; they can't leave. The challenge is mustering the mental fortitude to let yourself sweat all day and plow through streamside veg and guide your flies through rooted macrophytes and filamentous periphyton. Waders or not; always tough call. On this day my suggestion was that we wear waders, rolled down to waistband level, to keep the veg off our legs. Nettles, brambles, chiggers, etc. Accompanying that suggestion was a directive to carry our sandals in our backpacks so we could climb the steep valley wall (probably 30 minute walk up up up) with waders rolled and strapped to back. Figuring that once you're on the stream, you don't move really fast anyway, so sweating in your waders is not a huge issue. It's not like walking Death March. The weight of occasional sweat was assessed to be less than that of the constant itching scratching tearing so we planned and acted accordingly. Our first option for water to fish was blown out so we got a late start somewhere around 8 AM. But no other people seen at put-in, and indeed ninguna personas todas la dia or something close to it. |
an exciting expedition
ban nang xe may, sung xiet bulong
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