It's kind of strange to post pictures of mortally wounded fish... but it happens and it's part of the cycle of fishing. I've probably kept ~15 trout over the past 5 years, but I might keep more than usual this year. I'm trying for a thoughtful approach: I don't want to release every single fish I catch, because that paints me as a "sport" fisherman, and I don't want to kill all/most of them. I'll shoot to be an "experience" fisherman who enjoys the act and considers each fish and keeps a select few according to (1) stream ecology (cull overpopulated streams), (2) specie (favor brook trout by taking a few browns), (3) size (keep the 9-11 inch fish, release bigger and smaller).

Here here! An excellent post that I can completely agree with. I would call this a "responsible" approach to fisheries management.
Thanks for the thoughtful post...
nicely put J. about the only fish i keep are the hatchery salmon...i should go after some brookies though. we should eat some this may.
Responsible approach - I agree. Not sure if I will get out opening weekend or not - I've been fishing for months C&R, and this weekend will be a zoo I bet... last year I hit warmwater - had it all to myself... went back to cold after all the one-timers done for the year.
We could surely keep some fish in May - by then I'll have smoking down to a science.
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