Some Old Reels
I've come into a couple recently - both click and pawl. The first was picked up by my dad, and given to me last fall. It is a South Bend 1122. Cool looking reel - will be good for SE MN stream fishing I think. Trouble is, it's been worked over pretty had by some dude or dudes or gal or gals or dude/gal, etc. Previous owners I mean. Check out the wear in this pic:
I poked around a bit, and found that you don't really come by extra spools for a reel like this too easily, seemingly because it's not an expensive reel... and if it came right down to it you could probably buy a new reel for the price of a spare spool. Being what I am though, such as I am, I prefer to use what has been given to me. To that end, James and I assessed the situation tonight, and we observed that when the pawl is actively held in position, the reel "clicks" like it's supposed to... We employed a fairly intense remedy then: toothpick shoved into the small gap beneath the pawl (noted by red arrow) and broken off. It worked.
The second reel is a Pflueger Sal-Trout. Here is how I got it: I was fishing at a "private" lake that holds big carp. I had picked up a few, including a 13 lber, so I was happy... As I was leaving, the guy who had graciously given me access, handed me his fly rod and reel and said keep it, I never use it. It's enough to put a guy on some fish... but to give him your gear too? Being a Minnesotan, I tried to refuse, but he insisted.
The deal with this one though is that the "star" on the spool (noted by red arrow in pic below) spins freely, so the pawl turns it instead of clicking drag like it should. I tried some gorilla glue but that failed. My neighbor has said he'll give me a dab of JB Weld. Speaking of my neighbor and reels - he is positively the man when it comes to vintage reels, Stan Bogdan reels... pretty much any reels. He's reely I guess. If you have a few minutes, go read about his recent adventure out east to visit the Bogdans. He even fashioned a reel with a storied maker out there.
I've come into a couple recently - both click and pawl. The first was picked up by my dad, and given to me last fall. It is a South Bend 1122. Cool looking reel - will be good for SE MN stream fishing I think. Trouble is, it's been worked over pretty had by some dude or dudes or gal or gals or dude/gal, etc. Previous owners I mean. Check out the wear in this pic:
I poked around a bit, and found that you don't really come by extra spools for a reel like this too easily, seemingly because it's not an expensive reel... and if it came right down to it you could probably buy a new reel for the price of a spare spool. Being what I am though, such as I am, I prefer to use what has been given to me. To that end, James and I assessed the situation tonight, and we observed that when the pawl is actively held in position, the reel "clicks" like it's supposed to... We employed a fairly intense remedy then: toothpick shoved into the small gap beneath the pawl (noted by red arrow) and broken off. It worked.
The second reel is a Pflueger Sal-Trout. Here is how I got it: I was fishing at a "private" lake that holds big carp. I had picked up a few, including a 13 lber, so I was happy... As I was leaving, the guy who had graciously given me access, handed me his fly rod and reel and said keep it, I never use it. It's enough to put a guy on some fish... but to give him your gear too? Being a Minnesotan, I tried to refuse, but he insisted.
The deal with this one though is that the "star" on the spool (noted by red arrow in pic below) spins freely, so the pawl turns it instead of clicking drag like it should. I tried some gorilla glue but that failed. My neighbor has said he'll give me a dab of JB Weld. Speaking of my neighbor and reels - he is positively the man when it comes to vintage reels, Stan Bogdan reels... pretty much any reels. He's reely I guess. If you have a few minutes, go read about his recent adventure out east to visit the Bogdans. He even fashioned a reel with a storied maker out there.
I drove to Rochester Saturday to see Liz's brother off to Australia for the semester and as I drove in the sun I thought of you fishing. I was hoping you were able to get out for a bit.
Really great post...keep 'em comin'.
Well, I sure wanted to get out fishing. You can tell by the fact that I'm posting about old reels that I did not find any stream time. Given weather, and a few other things... would have been a bit too forced. I'm waiting for the right time to pounce. Will do soon.
Got the JB weld on the Sal-Trout. That thing clicks like nobody's business now.
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