I saw two carp on Friday. My grin was involuntary and long lasting. Very long lasting. I even did a two fingers to the sky bit, like Randall Cunningham did after every one of his 34 regular season TD passes in 1998. Dude, dude, YES, dude I kept saying while I watched those cold, hard bodies moving ever so slowly. I knew in the back of my mind though that while they were harbingers of paradise to come, they weren't leaders of any real pack at this point. Still too cold. I went out anyway for an hour yesterday - despite high winds, crappy light and cold temps. Never saw a fish. Went to liquor store instead of fishing for the second hour.
Further waiting begets further tying then. I cranked these out an hour ago while listening to So Much for the Afterglow.
Some version of the Beefus swimming clouser nymph. John Montana and I talked about this one yesterday. I didn't have the hen hackle so I played with other feathers - not as good as the hen hackle. Still catch a carp though I think.
Vegetation fly, from Carp on the Fly reference.
A cape that I use a lot has these cool little underfeathers that really have a lot of motion to them - almost like rubber legs with feather fibers attached. This fly is tied from a hook I found on a pier yesterday, DB eyes, thread, and the feathers from just that one cape. A nice rusty bit.