Halloween 2011 Report
"You and your quiet," said Brett. "What is it men feel about quiet?"
"We like it," said the count. "Like you like noise, my dear."
- E. Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, Part I page 61

Setting for 10 AM - 2 PM today.

The sauger (Sander canadensis) is a freshwater perciform fish of the family Percidae which resembles its close relative the walleye. -Wikipedia
Can't remember if I'd caught a sauger on a fly before today. Maybe. It's up there with with bowfin and mooneye in a triad of nice fly-caught fishes. Told my kids it was a baby water dragon. They believed it. I believe it.

The River is the ultimate sorter. It can take unlimited tons of mass and group by particle size in beautiful geometry. Fans and bars. Waves of sand. Slow deposition. Episodic resuspension and transport. Then sorting again. No man will ever be able to do this. Not even with iphone applications.
No matter how much it may be used by towing companies and water companies and commercial fishermen and trappers and the like, the river doesn't belong to the workaday world. And no matter how much it is used by pleasure boaters and water-skiers and the like, it doesn't belong to the vacation world either. It is never concerned, if you can see what I mean. Nothing keeps to its own way more than the river does.
Another thing: No matter how corrupt and trashy it necessarily must be at times in this modern world, the river is never apart from beauty. Partly, I suppose, this is because it always keeps to its way.
Sometimes, living right beside it, I forget it. Going about my various tasks, I don't think about it. And then it seems just to flow back into my mind. I stop and look at it. I think of its parallel, never-meeting banks, which yet never part. I think of it lying there in its long hollow, at the foot of all the landscape, a single opening from its springs in the mountains all the way to its mouth. It is a beautiful thought, one of the most beautiful of all thoughts. I think it not in my brain only but in my heart and in the lengths of my bones.
- Jayber Crow, by Wendell Berry, page 310

Zumbro River riffle. Not bad for an assemblage of pixels. I could look at it for a while.
"You and your quiet," said Brett. "What is it men feel about quiet?"
"We like it," said the count. "Like you like noise, my dear."
- E. Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, Part I page 61

Setting for 10 AM - 2 PM today.

The sauger (Sander canadensis) is a freshwater perciform fish of the family Percidae which resembles its close relative the walleye. -Wikipedia
Can't remember if I'd caught a sauger on a fly before today. Maybe. It's up there with with bowfin and mooneye in a triad of nice fly-caught fishes. Told my kids it was a baby water dragon. They believed it. I believe it.

The River is the ultimate sorter. It can take unlimited tons of mass and group by particle size in beautiful geometry. Fans and bars. Waves of sand. Slow deposition. Episodic resuspension and transport. Then sorting again. No man will ever be able to do this. Not even with iphone applications.
No matter how much it may be used by towing companies and water companies and commercial fishermen and trappers and the like, the river doesn't belong to the workaday world. And no matter how much it is used by pleasure boaters and water-skiers and the like, it doesn't belong to the vacation world either. It is never concerned, if you can see what I mean. Nothing keeps to its own way more than the river does.
Another thing: No matter how corrupt and trashy it necessarily must be at times in this modern world, the river is never apart from beauty. Partly, I suppose, this is because it always keeps to its way.
Sometimes, living right beside it, I forget it. Going about my various tasks, I don't think about it. And then it seems just to flow back into my mind. I stop and look at it. I think of its parallel, never-meeting banks, which yet never part. I think of it lying there in its long hollow, at the foot of all the landscape, a single opening from its springs in the mountains all the way to its mouth. It is a beautiful thought, one of the most beautiful of all thoughts. I think it not in my brain only but in my heart and in the lengths of my bones.
- Jayber Crow, by Wendell Berry, page 310

Zumbro River riffle. Not bad for an assemblage of pixels. I could look at it for a while.