Close the Book on 2011 C&R Spring SeasonOne final outing before streams get crowded for a while. Here are notes:
(1) Started out nymphing, with a SMB or SMBesque fly as lead, and #16-18 HE or PT trailing. As has been the case lately: deadly. Fish love the drab and dark streamers. The twitch is deadly. I've all but abandoned the straight-up dead drift. Twitch, wait. If no strike: slow lift and a lot of times a trout will pick up the trailing nymph. 20+ fish taken even at relatively relaxed trot. Got to see quite a few takes. Every single fish but one was sporting a gut. Would have been interesting to knock one and look at stomach contents. Wrapped up nymphing around 1 or 130 PM.
(2) Put on an Adams, despite no definitive hatch. Got a handful of fish on #18. Was able to watch one BNT rise up from the tail of a pool, open white mouth wide and take fly. Found a nice little group of feeding fish, and put Adams on them. Moderately effective. I sat down for a while and watched bugs. Noticed BWO showing more of a presence. So switched to darker mayfly - traditional BWO pattern #18. This fly was crushed pretty well by the remainder of the fish before me. Some leaping takes.
All that said though, this was not a bug day by any means. Only minor dry fly action. I count on hitting that up next week.
(3) Dusted off the Avid 4 wt for this outing. I was planning to dredge a bit for bigger fish. I even brought a sinking leader. Not too driven on that though. Guess I changed my mind. Didn't do it. However: I really enjoyed returning to the nice power of that bigger rod. I have a Rio Windcutter line that I used today, and that thing shoots really well and overall the line just glides through the guides. It was laying down dry flies at quite a distance with good accuracy. Better than the 2 wt. I suspect that the 2 wt line I have is shot, and that is affecting performance of that outfit.

Note gut. Many fish in this range: 11-13" or so.

The holes showed good fish, but all this gray water with a little foam maybe... don't walk by it. Fish or two in there for sure. I stopped to cast at everything but the shallowest stuff.

Money fly. Credit WFF. I have come to realize that I can no longer figure that I have enough flies... and that I "need to get out to lose some before tying more." Fact is, I'm running low on standard PT and HE. Scuds. Need to get do it. And need to whip out some SMB.

Around us now here in Driftless Area are trout lilies, speckled trout lettuce and speckled trout themselves. In other words: April is good to us. Can't believe it's half over already.