Blizzard Weekend Carp Tying
The Terminator just pulled a urinal off the wall and smashed it over the bad lady's head: T3, Rise of the Machines. Been watching movies and tying flies when kids are in bed. Not the best fishing weekend, as water is up, likely cold, and roads are bad. So go with it instead of fight it. Turned out maybe 50 carp flies by way of intermittent sessions with cinematic backdrops. Watched Aliens and Alien 3, up till 1 AM the other night. Watched a bit of The Big Lebowski too. Drinking coffee, tea, beer; eating venison sausage cooked in old wine that turned to vinegar; toasting homemade bread and spreading on 2010 grape jelly; wild rice from northern half of state; etc, etc.
Sobchak Marabou Humpy
Didn't even mean to tie this up, but en route to other patterns, this came out. I like it for trout and carp. Marabout tied on a hook. Simplest bit out there. Let the feather do its thing man. Will take fish.

Maude Lebowski: What do you do for recreation?
The Dude: Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback.

#6 scud hook, bead chain eyes spray painted black, red/black dub from WFF, wine hackle from River City Fly Shop:

#6 scud hook, bead chain eyes spray painted black, shiney chenille from Roughfisher, chocolate brown strung guinea from River City Fly Shop:

#6 scud hook, bead chain eyes spray painted black, shiney chenille from Roughfisher, orange chinese pheasant rump from River City Fly Shop:

#8 scud hook, shiney chenille from Roughfisher, orange chinese pheasant rump from River City Fly Shop; will cement heads later - trying the light colored thread heads per tip I read: sometimes a guy can track those in the water as the fly falls:
The Terminator just pulled a urinal off the wall and smashed it over the bad lady's head: T3, Rise of the Machines. Been watching movies and tying flies when kids are in bed. Not the best fishing weekend, as water is up, likely cold, and roads are bad. So go with it instead of fight it. Turned out maybe 50 carp flies by way of intermittent sessions with cinematic backdrops. Watched Aliens and Alien 3, up till 1 AM the other night. Watched a bit of The Big Lebowski too. Drinking coffee, tea, beer; eating venison sausage cooked in old wine that turned to vinegar; toasting homemade bread and spreading on 2010 grape jelly; wild rice from northern half of state; etc, etc.
Sobchak Marabou Humpy
Didn't even mean to tie this up, but en route to other patterns, this came out. I like it for trout and carp. Marabout tied on a hook. Simplest bit out there. Let the feather do its thing man. Will take fish.

Maude Lebowski: What do you do for recreation?
The Dude: Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback.

#6 scud hook, bead chain eyes spray painted black, red/black dub from WFF, wine hackle from River City Fly Shop:

#6 scud hook, bead chain eyes spray painted black, shiney chenille from Roughfisher, chocolate brown strung guinea from River City Fly Shop:

#6 scud hook, bead chain eyes spray painted black, shiney chenille from Roughfisher, orange chinese pheasant rump from River City Fly Shop:

#8 scud hook, shiney chenille from Roughfisher, orange chinese pheasant rump from River City Fly Shop; will cement heads later - trying the light colored thread heads per tip I read: sometimes a guy can track those in the water as the fly falls: