My Clock Was Getting DirtySo I decided to get it cleaned. It went like this:
Sight fishing for these local carp with the 4 wt is fun. However, the past few brief outings I’ve had have regularly produced fish. Thus, the question must be asked:
how can one make the process more difficult? Enter the Micro Fly Rod, by J. Austin Forbes.
Today was supposed to be my flex day off, but I ended up working better than half of it. On my way home though, I figured I could justify stopping for 1.5 hours of fishing. Everyone was napping at home anyway. I’d stopped at this location a couple times recently, and I told John Montana that I’d return there with the Micro today – try to catch a carp on it…. I’ve not heard of anyone catching a carp with a Micro. In fact, I don’t know anyone else who owns one.
I ended up tallying six hookups – here is a fish-by-fish account:
Fish #1: estimated 6-8 lbs
I dropped a swimming clouser on a tailer, and “guessed” that he had it – meaning no visual cues. I guessed right, and was rewarded with my first connection. I have to say I was a little surprised to find that I could actually put a hook in a carp with that little rig - I knew it was possible, but I thought I'd have to wait a little longer than 10-15 minutes of fishing. I slid down the bank and fought the fish for about five minutes – went okay until he got close and caught sight of me… he then took off like a mad dog and ran all the way through my backing and when I put the brakes on he broke me off. Nice! He kicked my tail and I loved every second of it.
Fish #2: estimated 8-10 lbs
In a similar fashion, I dropped a DB Legion of Doom fly on a tailer and guessed right again – couldn’t believe it! This one didn’t last as long though – immediately ran right through my line and backing and I remember saying “I’m gonna run of f*ckin’ line again” and I did just that.
Fish #3: estimate 8-10 lbs
In this instance I was fishing to a couple of tailers that kept fading in and out of my view. All of a sudden a bigger fish came into sight on the edge of the silt plain – not feeding but looking interested anyway. I quickly cast out there and I got to watch this fish spot the fly as it began to sink, then charge ahead aggressively and suck it in – NICE! I set the hook, and immediately threw the one non-waterproof device I was carrying on the bank. I was set to jump in after this fish – I did just that as it began to lay waste to my line and backing…. I should have known that it was futile though – I just ran downstream in the main current and the fish just ran faster. I got to the end of the spool and broke that one off too. You’d think I was frustrated at this point, but on the contrary I was loving getting my clock cleaned.
[by now I was soaked, shoes full of silt and body beaten up – I took a 15 minute break – walked back to car – discarded all leader/tippet and replaced with slightly bigger diameter and better knots/loops, then returned]
Fish #4: 2 lbs 10 ounces [world record at the time of landing??]
This was another drop on tailer and guess – I can’t believe that I actually seem to have this technique down. I basically think to myself “okay, it sank right by his head, and he must have it by now” – set the hook and find the fish on – wow – almost as cool as seeing the take but not quite. I'm amazed every time it works. With the bigger tippet and fresh knots I knew I had this fish when I saw how small it was… fought for maybe five minutes and landed it. I punched the record button on the camera and wedged it in the bank in an effort to get some action shots.

Fish #5: almost identical to fish #4 in size, but didn’t weigh it
I found a bunch of smaller carp feeding by the head of a log dam. I put a fly to them, and one of those youngsters dashed about 3 feet to suck it up – very cool visual on this one. Fought and played – second fish landed – very nice. I thought my day was done. I figured – landed two on the micro – that is more than a day’s work. I stuck around for just a few more minutes though…
Thanks Zonker for another great pattern - it landed all three fish today:
Fish #6: 14 lbs 10 ounces [current world record for carp on Micro]
I was stalking around when out of nowhere came this
big-looking carp, feeding along the bank up ahead of me... Big enough to give me pause - did I really want to try to tangle via Micro with a fish that immense? Yes. I tried to cast to it, but right away got tangled in a bush. I slowly and carefully removed the fly and found that not only did I not spook the fish, she had moved directly under me! I got ready to dap a fly on her, but before I could I witnessed her back up, then ram the bank with her head like a battering ram… then pick through the silt and shrapnel for any morsels she could find – wow – very cool. I dropped a little fly right in front of her, and I kid you not – she spotted that thing and surged forward for it. I have to admit that given the rod I was holding in my hand, I was a little scared of actually hooking this fish… but of course I did. She lurched back from the bank, I threw my electronics on the ground and slid down the bank, ready to SWIM after this fish I wanted so badly to land it… The fight was on, and it was a good one. I’d learned from the previous fish that I’d better not let this one see me – seeing the fisherman induces intense and deadly runs by carp that leave fishermen with limp lines. I stood statue still whenever she got close, and that worked – didn’t try to net prematurely. She did make some great runs, and I was really focused on “letting” her get away with 75% of each run, but then leaning on my heavy tippet to keep that other 25% in my court. I was dug in like a patient monk – ready to play the fish into submission. I did just that, and after 10-12 mintues of battle I landed one of my top carp - not biggest ever, but a landmark fish for that little rig. I took a number of photos and let her go. She was all beat up when I landed her – I am certain that was not from the fight – not sure what happened to her. The bugle mouth on that fish was amazing. Also, it is the furthest back in the mouth I’ve ever had a fly lodge. It did fall out like butter though when I bumped it with my forceps.

So – six fish hooked, half of them landed; half were guesses and half were visual hookups…. Nice balance for the day. Man, what an outing. Next time I bring out a 4 wt it’s going to seem like I’m strong-arming the fish!
I’ll self-proclaim the title of world record holder for carp on Micro until someone either beats it or shows me record of a bigger fish. In fact, I’m wondering how this fish ranks in the overall list of ANY fish caught on a Micro.